ATM Skimmer, price, delivery, Payment Methods

ATM Skimmer, price, delivery, Payment Methods

  1. We are offerning all most popular ATM and POS Skimmers. From us you can purchase Standard overly PIN Pads, Skimmers, Overly – ANTI Skimmer friendly and copy of anti skimmer for ATM`s without anti skimming device. Currently in market first place takes GSM Data Receiver and 2nd place EMV Shimmer. last two skimmers is based on EMV Chip reading technology and comes with software that allow you decrypt chip and write to new empty card. Both skimmers approve SDA DDA and CDA. That means you can write exact copy of EMV Chip card in new empty blank card. We are explaining this to many customers who have misconception that EMV Chip cards is impossible to clone and they can`t be skimmed. That is wrong, time ago it was impossible when bank data was impossibe decrypt because of difficult algorythm. Now using our products it allows you create EXACT 1:1 copy of chip card + you also get pin code.

2 Price range for ATM Skimmers is very different. Currently at the market is available many Magnetic Stripe Classical 1st generation skimmers, in most of countries nowdays banks use and accpet chip cards and gagnetic skimmers is not popular anymore and price for them goes down, that means standard magnetic skimmer kit you can purchase from 1000$ WHOLE KIT. Oposite happening with EMV Shimmer and GSM Data Receiver, this technology is on high demand and Chenishe manufacturers who producing micro chips for GSM Data Receiver and EMV Shimmer are pulling price up, so prices in close future will go up probably by 25-30%.for all CHIP CARD SKIMMERS.

3 We are shipping our products Worldwide, Our default shipping option is DHL Express and delivery takes 2-5 days Worldwide. In case if customer purchased product and DHL Express are not offering delivery to some specifict region or country we are contacting customer by private message and offring alternative delivery methods. Also by request we are offering delivery to UPS or other companies pick up store and lockers. Just ask us about that in private message.

4 At the moment we accept payment only via Bitcoin. We are working on SEPA Payments for EU Members and Bank transfer for UK residents. Currently we cant tell you how much time it could take.

If You have any questions or have some siggestion for us feel free to contact us via e-mail.:

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