We have hundreds of existing customers and many customers need help with their alrfeady purchased skimmers. Somebody need new batterie replacment, somebody lost software orneed latest update. Now we have 2nd email for existing customers. Here you can read how to contact us.
- This email can be used only by real customers with existing Order Number.
- When you write new email, in subject you must put your order number (see picture bellow)
- People who don`t put their order number will be ignored. And messages lie “how are you”; “are you legit” without existing order number will be ignored automatically.
- This support is available 7 days in week. We have special people who working with existing customers support.
- Bellow we add sample how message must look when you create it.

Our existing customers support email is:
note: never contact us by this email if you do not purchased anything from us. If you purchased and have order number than only contact us.
This is because every day we receive 500-600 emails from people who would like place order Worldwide and our priority is answering emails to our existing customers.
If you have questions or would like place order please go to section “CONTACT US” and send us email to:
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